
Septorhinoplasty is a dual procedure that combines rhinoplasty and septoplasty.
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Learn more about septorhinoplasty at King Edward VII’s Hospital
Rhinoplasty is a procedure that is carried out to alter the appearance of your nose.
Septoplasty is a procedure that is done to repair a deviated septum and improve your breathing.
Therefore, a septorhinoplasty will both alter the shape of your nose and repair your septum to improve your breathing.
Why would I need septorhinoplasty?
Septorhinoplasty is a combination of the above two procedures, so it is generally completed if you have issues with breathing most often caused by a deviated septum and you would like to alter the appearance of your nose.
What symptoms does septorhinoplasty address?
Septorhinoplasty should improve your breathing and alter the appearance of your nose, per your wishes and what you decide upon with your surgeon.
When should you speak to your specialist about septorhinoplasty?
If you have difficulty breathing and it is caused by a deviated septum and you are also interested in altering the shape of your nose, you might want to consider speaking to your specialist about the possibility of undergoing a septorhinoplasty.
How is septorhinoplasty performed?
Septorhinplasty usually takes between 1-2 hours and is performed under general anaesthetic.
During the procedure, your surgeon will make an incision to either the inside or outside of your nose, and make adjustments and repairs to the parts of cartilage or bone to improve your breathing and alter the appearance of your nose.
What you hope to gain from surgery will be discussed and agreed upon with your surgeon prior to your septorhinoplasty.
What is the recovery for septorhinoplasty?
Your recovery from septorhinoplasty can depend on multiple factors, including your age, fitness level, and the nature of your procedure.
After your surgery, there will be packing in your nose that is generally removed the next day, and there will be a splint holding it in place that your surgeon will likely remove about a week after your septorhinoplasty.
You will probably need to take about two weeks off from work following your procedure, and you should also avoid doing strenuous activities during that time, as well.
Your surgeon will advise you of any additional precautions you should take or things you should do after your procedure.
Are there any risks/complications associated with septorhinoplasty?
As with any medical procedure, it is possible for risks or complications to arise. It is best that you speak with your specialist about how best to avoid any adverse reactions.
Some complications that have been associated with the procedure are:
- Bruising and swelling of your nose and eyes
- Redness
- The formation of scar tissue within your nose
- Nasal obstruction
- Bleeding
- Haematoma (a collection of blood develops)
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Graft rejection (if you had cartilage grafted from your ear)
- A punctured septum
- Nerve damage
- Sense of smell is reduced
- Cosmetic issues (including noticeable scarring)
How can I prepare for septorhinoplasty?
Prior to septorhinoplasty you should discuss the preparations you should make with your specialist, as there are several that could be suggested and they vary depending on the person
Are there alternatives for septorhinoplasty?
If you are considering undergoing this procedure solely to improve your breathing because of a deviated septum, rather than also changing your nose’s appearance, you could potentially undergo nasal septoplasty. Nasal septoplasty is a procedure that is done to repair a deviated septum.

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