Excision of Anal Lesion Surgery

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Learn more about excision of anal lesion surgery at King Edward VII’s Hospital

Why would I need excision of anal lesion surgery?

Most people that require this kind of surgery do so because they either have a bothersome anal skin tag or external parts of haemorrhoids that haven’t responded to other treatments. Some people have anal warts which have not responded to non-surgical treatments.  A very small number of people have abnormalities that are suspicious for anal skin cancer (anal squamous cell carcinoma), which require a biopsy for diagnosis.

What symptoms does excision of anal lesion surgery address?

Excision of anal lesion surgery helps to treat the discomfort, itching and difficulty in maintaining anal hygiene resulting from skin tags, external parts of haemorrhoids and other abnormalities.

When should you speak to your specialist about excision of anal lesion surgery?

If you have pain, discomfort, bleeding, itching or discharge in or around your back passage, you may have haemorrhoids or an anal lesion. Speak to your specialist who can help to diagnose your problem and can discuss the right treatment for you.

How is excision of anal lesion surgery performed?

Excision of anal lesion surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic and can be performed as a day case. Some patients require an overnight stay in hospital on the day of their procedure.

A small retractor is placed into the anus to visualise the area completely. The abnormality is then removed with a diathermy (electric knife), and local anaesthetic is administered. The resulting wound is usually left open and allowed to heal spontaneously.

What is the recovery like for excision of anal lesion surgery?

Your recovery from excision of anal lesion surgery will depend on multiple factors, including your age, fitness level and the nature of your procedure.

When you wake you will feel some pain and discomfort in your back passage. Although the abnormality removed from the anal area is usually small, the resulting wound can be surprisingly painful. Your medical team will give you pain relief medication and detailed advice on how to manage the postoperative symptoms.

Your medical team will also give you advice on eating a high fibre diet and staying hydrated so that you don’t have to strain to pass a stool. They may also give you laxatives to help, but you may still experience some bleeding in the days following surgery.

You may need to take up to a week off work, depending on your circumstances.

Are there any risks/complications associated with excision of anal lesion surgery?

As with any medical procedure, it’s possible for risks or complications to arise. Speaking with your specialist or surgeon beforehand will help you avoid any adverse reactions.

Excision of anal lesion surgery has a relatively low risk of serious complications, but the following risks and complications can occur in a small number of cases:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection

How can I prepare for excision of anal lesion surgery?

Prior to excision of anal lesion surgery, your surgeon will discuss with you how best to prepare for the procedure, as each patient is different.

Common preparations for excision of anal lesion surgery include:

  • Routine blood tests, x rays or scans as requested by your surgeon
  • Taking steps to stop smoking if you smoke
  • Losing weight if you’re overweight
  • Remaining active and doing regular exercise

Are there alternatives for excision of anal lesion surgery?

If your doctor has recommended this kind of surgery, it’s usually because they don’t think that any other treatment would be suitable in your case.

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