Topic: acid reflux

How to prevent acid reflux Acid reflux is a common digestive disorder. It affects a significant portion of the population. It occurs when stomach acid or, occasionally, stomach content, flows back into your oesophagus, the tube connecting your mouth and stomach. This backwash (reflux) can irritate the lining of your oesophagus, leading to discomfort. Understanding... read more about How To Prevent Acid Reflux And Heartburn
Everyone experiences heartburn from time to time, a condition causes a burning in the throat and leaves a bad taste in the mouth. What’s more, new research has shown that around three in 10 people in Europe and US suffer from heartburn chronically, known as GORD (Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease). read more about Tips for avoiding acid reflux (heartburn) at Christmas
Christmas is meant to be a time of joy, a time to socialise with family and friends over food and drink. But more than a third of Brits (35%) are left with a bad taste in their mouth as the festive season exacerbates digestive complaints. read more about Christmas cramps: A third of Brits with digestive problems say symptoms get worse over Christmas
Everyone experiences heartburn from time to time. Rich food, medicines and hormones can all cause reflux, leaving us with that familiar burning sensation in the chest and bad taste in the mouth. But for increasing numbers of people, reflux is a daily problem that can have a serious impact on quality of life. read more about When the drugs don’t work: Diagnostic & surgical options for GORD (Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)
Do you experience persistent acid reflux? Have conventional treatments such as medications failed to help, or even worsened your symptoms? LINX surgery may be the option for you. read more about Acid reflux surgery: why choose LINX?