Nim Christopher

Urology, Andrology

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Profile Summary



Special Interests

Urology, Male infertility, Male sexual dysfunction, Penile and genital reconstruction

Image of Nim Christopher

Professional Biography

Nim Christopher is a Consultant Urologist who specialises in Uroandrology. He was born in Malaysia and studied medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London graduating from there in 1987. Since then he has worked mainly in Cambridge and London achieving an MPhil (Cantab) in 1995 and Specialist FRCS(Urology) in 2000.

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He is an extremely accomplished microsurgeon with a specialist interest in functional and structural penile problems as well as male factor infertility. As such he has played a central role in the development of our phalloplasty techniques and is heavily committed to our work in this area.

He is a member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (Andrology section), British and European Society of Sexual Medicine and a reviewer for the Journal of Sexual Medicine, British Journal of Urology International and Asian Journal of Andrology.

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