ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)
Earache, Perforated eardrum, Cholesteatoma, Intratympanic steroid injection, Loss of smell, Nasal trauma/fracture, Dysphagia and swallowing disorders, Laryngitis and voice disorders, Thyroglossal cyst, Branchial cyst, Otology, Hearing loss, Glue ear, Wax and ear infections, Ear infection, Tinnitus, Dizziness, Vertigo, Eustachian tube dilation, Rhinology, Allergies, Nasal allergy, Nasal blockage, Facial pain, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Nasal polyps, Deviated septum, Laryngology, Sore throats, Tonsillitis, Oral lesions, Swallowing disorders, Voice disorders, Breathing problems, Snoring, Sleep apnoea, Lymph nodes, Salivary gland lumps, Thyroid nodules
Initial Fee: £250
Follow Up Fee: £180
Please call or make an enquiry to book
Treatments offered at King Edward VII's Hospital include, but are not limited to:
Mr Wong’s patient-centred care has been recognised with several local and national awards in the past few years; Doctify, iWantGreatCare, to name but a few. He is committed to staying on the cutting edge of surgical techniques and embraces new learning and innovation, setting him apart from others. Mr Wong understands and respects the cultural backgrounds of his patients and integrate this into his clinical practice.
Mr Gentle Wong is a highly trusted Consultant ENT at King Edward VII's Hospital. With vast experience treating both children and adults suffering from all types of ENT conditions, his compassionate care has been recognised by iWantGreatCare with a Certificate of Clinical Excellence (2023 & 2024), and he was also nominated for Doctify's Patient Voice Award 2023. {{ label }}
He embraces change and he is passionate about staying at the forefront of emerging technologies, both within ENT surgery and healthcare as a whole. In addition to his NHS and private practice, he is also currently the ENT Clinical Lead for Medefer, a patient-focused virtual health service.
Mr Wong graduated from King’s College London School of Medicine in 2008. He also completed an intercalated degree in Physiology with First Class Honours in 2005, before undertaking ENT specialist training across the Kent, Surrey, and Sussex regions, as well as several prestigious London teaching hospitals, including Charing Cross Hospital, the Royal National Throat, Nose, and Ear Hospital as well as Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital. His paediatric ENT training was undertaken at the renowned Evelina London Children’s Hospital, and the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton. He completed his training in 2020 and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Additional to his extensive clinical experience, Mr Wong has a well-established background in research and has authored numerous academic publications. He has been reviewer for multiple journals, and has presented his work at key conferences both nationally and internationally. He has won numerous undergraduate as well as postgraduate awards.
Mr. Wong is passionate about coaching the next generation of junior surgeons, and he is a designated Educational and Clinical Supervisor. He is an invited faculty member at FRCS viva courses, and is an examiner for the National ENT ST3 recruitment.”
COVIDTrach; a UK national cohort study of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients undergoing tracheostomy.
The British Otorhinolaryngology & Allied Sciences Research Society (BOARS)
British Rhinological Society (BRS)
British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery (BSFPS)
The British Society of Otology (BSO)
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